Why Advanced Virology?

We eliminate your need to grow and test virus stocks and free your employees to perform higher value work.

We provide experiment-ready volumes of virus products to accelerate your virology R&D and manufacturing.

Let us save you time and money

Both virology R&D and the manufacturing and testing of downstream products such as vaccines, antivirals, and diagnostics require large volumes of validated, high-quality virus stocks and derivative products. Creating and QC testing these viral reagents requires a significant amount of time and resources that must be diverted from higher-value activities such as R&D and production. Additionally, QC processes between different laboratories, suppliers, and users are often not standardized. This can lead to variability of input virus stock quality and place further burdens on an institution’s time and money.  

Our goal at Advanced Virology is to greatly increase the supply of standardized, high-quality virus stocks available in the marketplace in order to:   

  • Remove the need for in-house production: we supply our customers with experiment-ready volumes of virus products (the exact volume needed) to complete their work.  
  • Supply virus products at a price competitive with in-house production: we supply virus products at prices that reflect the total costs of in-house production, including time, labor and QC testing costs. 

Sourcing experiment-ready volumes of virus products from Advanced Virology allows our customers to save time and money in the following ways:   

  • Customers have a steady supply of high-quality virus products at all times with overnight shipping, simplifying internal planning and reducing internal costs. 
  • Customers can buy experiment-ready volumes of virus products, removing the need to spend time and money on in-house production. 
  • Employees can better utilize their skills and time performing higher value work, such as R&D, manufacturing, and sales, leading to higher efficiency and revenue.

Overall, purchasing experiment-ready volumes of virus products from Advanced Virology not only increases the quality and fidelity of your work, but does so while saving you time and money in the process. 


Growing virus products "in-house" versus using "experiment-ready" volumes from Advanced Virology Inc.